The Party Frock runs sewing classes in the North Lincolnshire area.
Visit our dedicated Sew With The Party Frock website to find out the finer details!
Introduction to dressmaking– some of the techniques we explore in the beginners class include making a simple cushion cover and apron, inserting a lapped zip, sewing a button hole and using commercial patterns. The beginners course is suitable for people who have never used a sewing machine before. All the very basics are taught by a variety of methods including lots of demonstrations, practical activities to undertake on the sewing machine and plenty of instruction sheets to build up a nice ‘how to’ guide ideal for future referencing. It is preferred of students bring along their own sewing machines, but The Party Frock have some basic machines that can be used during class.
General dressmaking classes cover a wide array of techniques which could suit both beginners and more advanced students. These classes are usually comprised of students with a variety skill levels and are suitable for a beginner who already knows how to set up their sewing machine and sew a seam and a hem (private lessons for ‘getting started’ are available on booking)
The introduction to pattern cutting classes explore the subject of creating your own patterns. Different methods of pattern making will be taught, including making patterns from existing garment to drafting your own using personal measurements.
Bespoke sewing tuition is available to be held in your own home or venue for up to 3 students at a time, or even book for a group session- ideal for a birthday or hen party! Tuition for sensible children over the age of 8 is also available!
Sewing kits for each course will be available to purchase via The Party Frock.
Classes are held on:
Monday evening at Grange Farm Hobbies Centre, Wesley Road, Scunthorpe, DN16 1SA from 6:30pm to 9:00pm
Tuesday morning at Grange Farm Hobbies Centre, Wesley Road, Scunthorpe, DN16 1SA from 10am til 12:30pm
Thursday evening at Broughton Village Hall, 59 High Street, Broughton, DN20 0JX from 6:30pm til 9:00pm